Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Fridge Runneth Over

I just opened my fridge, and I don't think I have ever seen it that looks like a winning Tetris game!

We hosted 16 people for Thanksgiving, and had my family in from Colorado and South was such a great time!

Not many people in this day can host with both their family and in-laws and have everyone enjoy their day. We are so thankful to have had both our sets of parents here.

We'd love to hear about your weekend--did anyone do any crazy shopping trips? Any cooking disasters? Any new family traditions? Let us know!

PS We learned a new game of Speed Scrabble....totally addicting!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

We did an old fashioned Trick or Treat tonite, and stayed in our neighborhood. The night is beautiful, and we got lots of treats, and even one trick. At one of our friends home, the 6th grade boy was hiding in the bushes and jumped out in a gorilla mask, much to Jenna's dismay!

Jenna got to dress up for school, since it was "Story Book Character Day". Wyatt, seeing her in costume, insisted on wearing his all over town today too. He did, however, decline any photo opportunity.....

Monday, October 20, 2008

Clydesdale Ranch

My dad came into town last week, so we went up to the Express Personnal Clydesdale Ranch. It was a beautiful day, and those horses are unbelievable. Wyatt has become quite fearless, and kept saying he was going to ride one of them. I really think he would have, had they let him.

The ranch is in a old Amish Barn, surround by white PVC corrals. Yep, they keep Clydesdales in plastic pens. (With an electric wire on the top panel)

We had a small picnic in front of the barn, sitting on the rocking chairs. When we sat down, Wyatt looked around and said, "So guys. How was your day?" I thought my dad was going to choke, laughing so hard.....

Sunday, October 12, 2008


After working on the since June, Jenna finally lost her 2 front teeth within a week of each other. Incidentally, she learned to whistle (been trying for a year!) this morning by sucking in through the hole!

Any ideas on what she should ask for at Christmas?

Thursday, September 11, 2008


This is my first attempt to put a video on the blog, so hope it works! This is from Sunday at the Curry's pool.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Favorite Time Of Day

Every afternoon, Wyatt and I head out the door to the bus stop to pick up Jenna. This is the view I see as Wyatt blitzes down the sidewalk on his beloved tricycle. He has ridden that thing so much, I think the odometer is about to turn over.
I love watching him so happily riding, and Jenna is always so glad to see us. We come straight home for a snack and sit and talk about the day, and it just feels right.....
It's one of those Defining Mom Moments that pop us at wired intervals in my life. There have only been a few: the first time one of her little friends was sitting in the back seat of our car and said, "Mrs. Curry....." and the time last year when I was given a sign with Jenna's name in huge letters to put in my car window for after-school pick-up. Don't know why these random moments stick with me.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day Of School

Though the past five years have crept by, it doesn't seem long ago that I was leaping off the school bus to run home for a snack! In fact, just to remind me that I have not yet grown up, both of my parents and my sister asked me if I remembered to take a if!

Jenna had a very successful first day of first grade today. It was her first time going to school all day, so I wondered how she'd be at 3:45, but she arrived no worse for the wear. She gave us a full report, and deemed the day, "Great!"

I took her this morning, and my efforts to make her self sufficient have worked...perhaps a little too well. I had her lead the way, so she can find her class tomorrow. She anxiously walked about 10 feet in front of me, and before she even hit the door of her class, she had the nerve to throw over her shoulder, a "See ya, Mom." No hug, no longing look, no nothing! So I speeded up to give her a hug, but I was was ursurped by dear Mrs. Kirk, who was already waiting with arms open for a hug (in her knitted teacher sweater, complete with apples, nontheless!). So I was dismissed from duty for a few hours.....

Jenna has 2 dangerously loose teeth, so I expect a zip-loc bag from school any day containing one, or both!

Wyatt and I had a busy day filled with important things like building a garage for his monster truck. He was thrilled to get to pick the music in the car and what to eat for lunch.....he's going to like first grade alot, too.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Oh Canada.....

Aaron and I just got back from 5 days in Canada for Aaron's Leader's Club Award Trip. We left the children with Aaron's parents, and they're still speaking with us, so we may get to go again next year.....

While we were there, Aaron went to a few meetings, while I did absolutely nothing. I was like Forrest Gump: when I was hungry, I ate. When I was tired, I slept. It was unusual for me, but I got with the program!

We stayed near Old Montreal, so we checked out alot of old buildings and learned some Canadian history, eh. We spent lots of time with other people from us company, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Next year's trip is in San Antionio, and Aaron has just about qualified. Anyone want to watch my kids for a few days next year?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Why Paint Is Banned From Our Home Forever

They'd been begging to paint.

At least I had the forethought to put them outside.

I said, "Just paint pictures, not yourselves....." Ten minutes later, I found this little treasure. If you look closely, you'll notice the are wearing shorts....... You should have heard their pitiful cries as I mercilessly hosed them off in the front drive. (Actually, they thought that part was hilarious.......)

Someday this will be funny.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Things Only Kids Can Say

I handed the phone to Jenna the other day to talk to her Mimi, who just had a birthday. I could only hear Jenna's side of the conversation, so I'll replay that for you.

"Mimi, you're 60 now. That's old.....yep, then you'll be 70, then 80, then 90, then'll probably die then."

Good thing Mimi's crazy about Jenna!

Happy Independance Day or How Rednecks Get Hurt

We hope you all had a great day--ours was so much fun, and no one got hurt, but it makes a good title for the photo.

We started the day the Bethany Freedom Fest Parade where Jenna rode with her Poppy on a political candidate's float.

Then we swam at Mimi and Poppys pool and took naps.

In the evening, we headed out to Tuttle to a friend's farm and swam and ate. Aaron taught Wyatt the fine art of blowing stuff up, and all the other men (and I use that term loosely) were thoroughly enjoying the detonations. In fact, they ran back into town for more fireworks.

Then as dusk set in, we could see all along the skyline the fireworks from about 10 different cities. It was truly gorgeous, and was excatly what the holiday is all about!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

In The Good Old Summertime

Hello! We are enjoying the lazy days of summer, and I'm working toward my "Mom Of the Year" merit badge in math this summer by working with Jenna on some of the math and money counting that was a struggle for her last summer.
She is reading really well, but still wants me to read to her. She reads every (and I mean every!) billboard on the highway, and can sound out some really big words, like "adventure." Huh?
The kids are taking gymnastics class together, and are both getting so brave! Wyatt's class has 5 three-year old boys, who run 5 different directions at once. The instructor is a college boy who tried to be nice the first few weeks, but now has started cracking down on them. Wyatt has learned to jump bravely off anything and everything, and swings from the high rings like the monkey he is. Jenna, not surprisingly, is an excellent jumper off the spring board, and taught herself to do a near-perfect cartwheel.
For last week's adventure we went to the OKC dog show, and the kids were amazed at all the different shapes and sizes of dogs. Wyatt befriended a St. Bernard who's gigantic face was at eye-level with Wyatt's. When we turned to leave, the dog snuck up behind Wyatt and licked his neck--Wyatt thought that was so fun.
The next day, the kids told grandma that their daddy was taking them to get a dog the next day--Ha!
As for me, I"m laying off running for awhile (my mom will be happy to hear that!) due to burn-out and back trouble. Sticking to pilates and cycling for now..... I"m working on a new website that will be ready in just a few weeks--I'll keep you posted!

Monday, June 9, 2008

You Live Where?

We have a dear little friend Jerzi who came to play today. She is 5 on the outside, but 27 on the inside. She uses words that amaze me. Jenna was explaining how we're having a block party in our neighborhood in two weeks, as we were leaving our nieghborhood, Oak Ridge.

Jenna: "Why can't Jerzi come to our block party?"
Me: "Because Jerzi lives in another neighbor"
Jenna: "Oh, right. She lives on Stepping Stone..."
Jerzi: "Yep. And you live on Oprah.....I think?"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Things Parents Shouldn't Laugh At....

It all started yesterday. We had talked for one week about going to the splash park at the YMCA after school was out. So we gathered up and went, and got there to find they had just closed it, due to improper chemical balances. My children were surprisingly calm when we had to turn right around and go home. I, on the other hand, was a little miffed b/c I had to find something else to amuse them on this first day of summer break, as I had already refereed 5 fights before noon!
So we bargained to come back today, and would you know, they were handing out cake for someone's retirement party. I told the kids we'd get some on the way out (secrect hoping it would be gone............), and on the way out, we found one little piece left. "Great," I think, "They'll just have a little and I'm not the bad guy."
So we divide it evenly, and they found a little table to sit and eat. Wyatt scarfs his down b/c 1.) He's a guy and 2.) He's begun a search for more.
He sees Jenna's left, and starts inching toward her. Being no dummy, Jenna displays a quick definsive move of going to the other side of the table. Wyatt, being no dummy, edges around the other way to meet her.
I see what's going to happen next, but don't REALLY think it will. Wyatt lunges for the cake, as I lunge across the table for him. And before I can get there, he's shoved THE ENTIRE PIECE in his mouth. And btw, you can't "scoop" out cake, mostly b/c he was laughing so hard. Jenna had launced into her famous "Siren" cry and the who lobby witnessed it. I was laughing, as was they guy who passed by, and he said, "That little guy is quick!"
Did Wyatt have remorse?
Let's just say the whole way home he kept mumbling in the back seat, "But it was really was really good...."
So we're off to Grand Lake by Tulsa for the weekend, so wish us luck.
PS Jenna got a Cherry Limage at Sonic on the way home, and Wyatt got water.............

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Wisdom of Children

Yesterday in church the talk was on honoring with your mouth. My pastor has this spiritual gift of sarcasm, as I do, so we connect. At the end of the service we were supposed to pick up a little blue bracelet that says "Speak Life" to remind us to speak kindly. When we are unkind, we're supposed to switch wrists to remind us. (Surprisingly, I hadn't even left the building before I had to switch wristst....)
So fast forward to this morning and Wyatt was not getting his clothes on and we needed to leave in about 10 min. I got on to him, and then went to his room to grab something. Jenna, emerged from her room to meet me and said, "Don't you have one of those blue bracelets like Dad that says speak life?" "Yes, I do." She said, "Then why are you yelling?" I busted up laughing, and thanked her for her help and said, "Let's all work together to not yell this week, OK?"
PS Why did I teach her to read?:-)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Kids In the Kitchen

In my continual effort to be a good mom, I let my kids help me bake. They quickly lost interest in my project, but embarked on their own mission. Guess who got to clean up all the fun?

Potty Adventures

We started potty training Wyatt in March, and I'm happy to report we've pretty much made it! It was so much easier this time, thank goodness. It has not, however, been without some stories.
I have learned that boys like to take their time doing their business. First, when we were in South Dakota at lunch with the family in a restaurant, I took Wyatt to the bathroom, and we chatted while he was working. Finally he said, "Can you get me a newspaper?" (Apparently, it's bred into them....) Then just a few weeks ago here at the house, Aaron was monitoring his progress, and Wyatt, getting his prayer time mixed up with potty time said, "This is taking forever and ever, Amen!"
On Wednesday when I picked him up from Mother's Day Out, he proudly told me that he went potty "without using my hands at all!" I wonder how long before his teachers found the puddle beside the toilet b/c I have found that boys tend to pee where they look, so if he's at all distracted from his target, it's a disaster!
School gets out on Wed, and Jenna can't wait. (Like half-day kindergarten has been so rough!) I asked her what she wants to do for the summer, thinking I could start her on goal-setting (!), and she said, "Paint." At least she's simple....................

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Train Is Rolling

The Potty train has left the station. Wyatt is getting the hang of it, although I don't know if he can figure out when he has to go on his own yet....

The Luck Of The Irish

We started our day with green pancakes and some friends came to eat and play dress up. (Alot more dressing, than eating.) There were 4 girls, and Wyatt. And Wyatt was crushed when the girls wouldn't let him in the room to play pretend. So we put him in his puppy halloween costume, and he was allowed to be the Puppy To The Princesses. And then he decided to become a princess himself (peer pressure, not gender identity issues....). You haven't lived until you've seen a princess in Spiderman underpants, who can stand up to pee....

Shoveling isn't for cowards...

I moved out some holly plants this weekend, and will attempt to keep some azelas alive. Thought I send you a photo of my handing work, and also explain why my back hurts today....pitiful. Eight months of pilates didn't prepare me for 1 hour of shoveling.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Hey All!

Some of my friends who have family far away keep a blog to keep folks posted on the exciting and mundane things that happen. So I thought I'd give it a shot. Can't promise anything regular or spectacular, and don't feel bad if you don't read everyword....

Today was the official start of spring break. I'm celebrating by potty training Wyatt. Wish me luck.

The kids and I went to the OK Science Museum to learn about everything from globes to hyperbolic arc and tree houses. Their favorites were the train, and the play house with a doorbell to ring. We had burgers after that, and came home to sleep.

Next we are off to the part of the neighborhood where they are building a new road. It has been closed since Jan 10 (not that I'm counting), and made my life inconvenient! The kids are enthralled with the dirt piles and big trucks. Last week, I taught them the international gesture for "Please Honk Your Truck Horn" which they found hysterical!

Finally, thought I'd include a photo from a few weeks ago. We had tornadic activity rolling in a bedtime, with just enough noise and light show that they could sleep. So we piled them into our bed to fall asleep, and moved them back after the storms.