Monday, May 19, 2008

The Wisdom of Children

Yesterday in church the talk was on honoring with your mouth. My pastor has this spiritual gift of sarcasm, as I do, so we connect. At the end of the service we were supposed to pick up a little blue bracelet that says "Speak Life" to remind us to speak kindly. When we are unkind, we're supposed to switch wrists to remind us. (Surprisingly, I hadn't even left the building before I had to switch wristst....)
So fast forward to this morning and Wyatt was not getting his clothes on and we needed to leave in about 10 min. I got on to him, and then went to his room to grab something. Jenna, emerged from her room to meet me and said, "Don't you have one of those blue bracelets like Dad that says speak life?" "Yes, I do." She said, "Then why are you yelling?" I busted up laughing, and thanked her for her help and said, "Let's all work together to not yell this week, OK?"
PS Why did I teach her to read?:-)

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