Though the past five years have crept by, it doesn't seem long ago that I was leaping off the school bus to run home for a snack! In fact, just to remind me that I have not yet grown up, both of my parents and my sister asked me if I remembered to take a picture...as if!
Jenna had a very successful first day of first grade today. It was her first time going to school all day, so I wondered how she'd be at 3:45, but she arrived no worse for the wear. She gave us a full report, and deemed the day, "Great!"
I took her this morning, and my efforts to make her self sufficient have worked...perhaps a little too well. I had her lead the way, so she can find her class tomorrow. She anxiously walked about 10 feet in front of me, and before she even hit the door of her class, she had the nerve to throw over her shoulder, a "See ya, Mom." No hug, no longing look, no nothing! So I speeded up to give her a hug, but I was was ursurped by dear Mrs. Kirk, who was already waiting with arms open for a hug (in her knitted teacher sweater, complete with apples, nontheless!). So I was dismissed from duty for a few hours.....
Jenna has 2 dangerously loose teeth, so I expect a zip-loc bag from school any day containing one, or both!
Wyatt and I had a busy day filled with important things like building a garage for his monster truck. He was thrilled to get to pick the music in the car and what to eat for lunch.....he's going to like first grade alot, too.
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