Friday, May 23, 2008

Things Parents Shouldn't Laugh At....

It all started yesterday. We had talked for one week about going to the splash park at the YMCA after school was out. So we gathered up and went, and got there to find they had just closed it, due to improper chemical balances. My children were surprisingly calm when we had to turn right around and go home. I, on the other hand, was a little miffed b/c I had to find something else to amuse them on this first day of summer break, as I had already refereed 5 fights before noon!
So we bargained to come back today, and would you know, they were handing out cake for someone's retirement party. I told the kids we'd get some on the way out (secrect hoping it would be gone............), and on the way out, we found one little piece left. "Great," I think, "They'll just have a little and I'm not the bad guy."
So we divide it evenly, and they found a little table to sit and eat. Wyatt scarfs his down b/c 1.) He's a guy and 2.) He's begun a search for more.
He sees Jenna's left, and starts inching toward her. Being no dummy, Jenna displays a quick definsive move of going to the other side of the table. Wyatt, being no dummy, edges around the other way to meet her.
I see what's going to happen next, but don't REALLY think it will. Wyatt lunges for the cake, as I lunge across the table for him. And before I can get there, he's shoved THE ENTIRE PIECE in his mouth. And btw, you can't "scoop" out cake, mostly b/c he was laughing so hard. Jenna had launced into her famous "Siren" cry and the who lobby witnessed it. I was laughing, as was they guy who passed by, and he said, "That little guy is quick!"
Did Wyatt have remorse?
Let's just say the whole way home he kept mumbling in the back seat, "But it was really was really good...."
So we're off to Grand Lake by Tulsa for the weekend, so wish us luck.
PS Jenna got a Cherry Limage at Sonic on the way home, and Wyatt got water.............

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Wisdom of Children

Yesterday in church the talk was on honoring with your mouth. My pastor has this spiritual gift of sarcasm, as I do, so we connect. At the end of the service we were supposed to pick up a little blue bracelet that says "Speak Life" to remind us to speak kindly. When we are unkind, we're supposed to switch wrists to remind us. (Surprisingly, I hadn't even left the building before I had to switch wristst....)
So fast forward to this morning and Wyatt was not getting his clothes on and we needed to leave in about 10 min. I got on to him, and then went to his room to grab something. Jenna, emerged from her room to meet me and said, "Don't you have one of those blue bracelets like Dad that says speak life?" "Yes, I do." She said, "Then why are you yelling?" I busted up laughing, and thanked her for her help and said, "Let's all work together to not yell this week, OK?"
PS Why did I teach her to read?:-)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Kids In the Kitchen

In my continual effort to be a good mom, I let my kids help me bake. They quickly lost interest in my project, but embarked on their own mission. Guess who got to clean up all the fun?

Potty Adventures

We started potty training Wyatt in March, and I'm happy to report we've pretty much made it! It was so much easier this time, thank goodness. It has not, however, been without some stories.
I have learned that boys like to take their time doing their business. First, when we were in South Dakota at lunch with the family in a restaurant, I took Wyatt to the bathroom, and we chatted while he was working. Finally he said, "Can you get me a newspaper?" (Apparently, it's bred into them....) Then just a few weeks ago here at the house, Aaron was monitoring his progress, and Wyatt, getting his prayer time mixed up with potty time said, "This is taking forever and ever, Amen!"
On Wednesday when I picked him up from Mother's Day Out, he proudly told me that he went potty "without using my hands at all!" I wonder how long before his teachers found the puddle beside the toilet b/c I have found that boys tend to pee where they look, so if he's at all distracted from his target, it's a disaster!
School gets out on Wed, and Jenna can't wait. (Like half-day kindergarten has been so rough!) I asked her what she wants to do for the summer, thinking I could start her on goal-setting (!), and she said, "Paint." At least she's simple....................