Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't Try This At Home

Here are a few things children should never do....

In case you are wondering:
1. No, I didn't teach him these tricks.
2. These photos aren't altered...I don't know how.
3. Yes, he's in gymnastics.

Monday, October 11, 2010

An Age Old Question

A conversation in the car today between Wyatt and me:


W: "Mom, listen to this. There's something weird about the Alphabet Song."
Me: "Well... what?"
W: "Ok, I'll stop when I get to the part. Ready?
(singing) A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P.... See? That part... What's an 'ellymenopee'?"

On a different note, after school today, my neighbor is forcing me to attend her son's party at Yucky Cheese's.
I told her I got him a drum set.
And a kitty.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lessons In Warfare

I knew having a boy would be different from having a girl.
James Dobson says girls are relational....Boys? They are here to protect and defend.
And they must! It's like breathing, eating and peeing in the backyard....they must!
So I found this little scene outside Jenna's room today.
The LEGO soldiers appear to be standing guard over....the Barbies? I have no idea.
And apparently, a few of them, might and brave though they were, did not survive the battle.
(Cue "Taps")
They were brave LEGOS.
But when the ship crashed, there was no hope for them.
RIP, LEGO...um...guys(?)