Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our First Summer Trip

We have had so much fun this summer, I forgot to tell you all about our first trip, but I think this photo sums it up: Cats, cousins, and lots of playing outside.
In case you still can't figure out where we were, here's a hint:
Again, you won't see Wyatt because he's he's too embarrassed to be seen with us (see previous post...)

My sister and I found time for hiking...we had to cross a stream, fight ticks and mosquito's, and avoid snakes and poison ivy. It was awesome!

This is my husband getting a taste of farm work. I don't think my dad is going to hire him on anytime soon....

We snuck away from the farm one day to go to the Black Hills. We went rock climbing at Sylvan Lake, and everyone got soaking wet!

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