Every afternoon, Wyatt and I head out the door to the bus stop to pick up Jenna. This is the view I see as Wyatt blitzes down the sidewalk on his beloved tricycle. He has ridden that thing so much, I think the odometer is about to turn over.
I love watching him so happily riding, and Jenna is always so glad to see us. We come straight home for a snack and sit and talk about the day, and it just feels right.....
It's one of those Defining Mom Moments that pop us at wired intervals in my life. There have only been a few: the first time one of her little friends was sitting in the back seat of our car and said, "Mrs. Curry....." and the time last year when I was given a sign with Jenna's name in huge letters to put in my car window for after-school pick-up. Don't know why these random moments stick with me.