Saturday, November 5, 2011

Belt Test Day

Jenna started taking Taekwando awhile back, and was finally ready to belt test. (She was hoping for a "pink belt", but settle for "black stripe")
Here she is stretching out and warming up... Here is her show-off little brother also stretching out.

Here are her "forms"...very focused (and cute, I might add.)

Finally, the big moment: The Breaking Of the Board!
Daddy held the board steady for her. It took her a few tries to get the momentum up. We told her to picture Wyatt's face on the board, and BAM...broken.

Look out, world!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1. Who are these Curry people?
2. Thanks for inviting us to carve pumpkins.
3. How big is Jenna?! Oh my goodness!
4. Miss you guys!