Saturday, November 14, 2009

Curry Family Fun

It all started last weekend, when Jenna cut off her bangs. The ones she has been growing out for months. I threatened to cut off her hair, and while watching "Ratatouille," she decided it would be cute to have it short. (So much for punishment....)

So today, after a soccer game where she scored to goals, we all went for grooming: 1 pedicure, 1 eyebrow wax, and 3 haircuts, to-go, please. We went home with this little pixie:
Wyatt left with a mohawk. He also fell asleep...sitting straight up in a hair-dryer chair waiting for all of us to be done. (What a guy!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jenna looks so beautiful!

Got out the Christmas decorations this weekend (long story!) and found my cute red "A" with white polka dots. Miss you!