Thursday, August 13, 2009

First Day of School

Rememeber when school used to start in the Fall? I don't think we have any business starting school in August, on any day that ends in "-teenth."

But here we sit:

This year, I forced her to hug me b/c I'm still in therapy about last year (see last year's blog post about first day of school). She did, then found all her friends from last year.

In true Curry spirit, she already got a warning about talking too much to her friends when she was supposed to be learning. (Some of you may remember that, in kindergarten, this unique trait granted her a month in Mrs. Schall's "special desk"....the one right beside the teacher's desk, far from other students.)

I got to chat with her teacher for a long while at back -to-school night b/c we were so late getting there. (Due to much debate over the outfit displayed in the previous post...)

As luck would have it, she and I had some mutual friends in college. She was the high school debate partner of one of my college speech teammates. Guess who will be winning most of the arguments in the classroom this year? :-)

What Goes Around....

It seems like I already had post with that title, but I'm sure there will be many more.

Hey, Mom? Dad? Remember in the 80's when you were so embarrassed about some of the things I wore?

Thought you'd like to see what Wyatt wore to Back To School night...for 1000 of our closest friends and neighbors to see:

At least you can't see his shield, b/c "it's invisible to people."

Monday, August 10, 2009

San Antonio

We spent last week in San Antonio with 1200 of Mass Mutual's finest people at Leaders Club (or as I have now deemed it: Eaters Club....cuz it was one big buffet).
We played, ate, toured, ate, went to a rodeo, ate, and went to Sea World, where we watched seals eat....
Here are some highlights:
My Little Tour-on:
Wyatt charmed everyone with his cowboy hat, and his knack for telling bad jokes on the tour bus at 10:30 at night.

Ahhhh, a small Sooner easily out-wits a large Texas surprise there.

Jenna got her faced painted 2 night in a row, and would like you all to know that she can now turn 3 consecutive sommersaults underwater, thanks to hours in the hotel pool.

I think this is a Barbie Doll hat...just proves that everything really is bigger in Texas.

We had Dinner With Shamu at Seaworld. The kids loved it, but they were at tiny bit afraid he might scoot over that ledge and eat them.
On the way home, we stayed at Aaron's aunt's home and rode her horse. Even mom got in the action (please insert your favorite joke about rear-ends here...)

Git along little it's back to reality!