In my ongoing attempt to be Mom of The Year (which has been noticeably less frequent this fall), last night at dinner I read from the advent calendar book (that I made a few years back, when I was still in the running for M.O.Y.).
We read the story of Jesus birth in Luke, and talked about the swaddling clothes. See, on the way to Mothers Day Out, Wyatt said,
"Why are babies always naked, and you have to wrap them up?"
I figured he was talking about Jesus, so thought---hey, let's make swaddling clothes....and it happened to be the exact lesson from our advent book that day.
I think not. (I secretly think he can read, but plays dumb)
So, I cut up one of Aaron's t-shirts. (Sorry...but it was from church so that counts, right?)
And we wrapped them up:

Then they fed them (no bottles left at our house, so they improvised with straws:
Then they burped them.
Why do I do this to myself?
Post note: Some of you will recognize Wyatt's Halloween costume in this photo. Yes, he's still wearing it...why?