In my ongoing effort to be Mom-of-the-Year, and teach my children to care about the earth, we decdided to make little pinecone and peanut butter birdfeeders today. (Did I mention that it's MLK day and everyone is out of school? Did I mention that practically EVERYONE else has a hubby home today, except us?)
This is the mess my kids managed to create in about 2 mintues, making just 2 bird feeders. And I didn't even show you their gooeys hands, made worse when Wyatt dropped all his PB/Birdseed combo on his lap.
When will I learn to do these things outside?
Score 1 for the birds.
But the best part was when Jenna offered to help me vaccuum up the mess. I"m all about raising a child who helps...sure, go for it! When I came back from the garage, she had stopped and had a look of alarm on her face.
"Mom. It sucked up my sock."
Raise your hand if you think this was an accident.
That's what I thought.
Two Things:
1. My vaccuum cleaner is very powerful. (Yeah!)
2. My vaccuum cleaner comes about in many places. (Yeah!)
3. My vaccuum cleaner is dirty. (Yikes!)